Sunday, 31 January 2010
bravo roger

Saturday, 30 January 2010
paris couture week
once upon a time the front row seat at a show of haute couture fashion was ultimate accolade of status. legenday film stars ,influential writers, fashion editors ,princesses and presidents ladys were there to buy rather than be gawped at. haute couture is art not fashion, there are less than 100 women in the world who can afford to buy. most of these buy by phone or have private displays these days avoiding the front row like the plague .french haut couture exits in world of its own .it takes inteligence to recognise where the aesthetics are leading.what they are stating about the condition of society the status of women etc fashion parodies even leads art movenents or a least compliments them as in the 30.s and 60,s this is a rarified place like an art gallery- so what has happened.once the audience matched the intent. of the shows .now front rows are crowded withh nonentities flashing thir legs wanting to be looked at instead of looking at what is before them.the fashionn houses trail blaze yet the audience that once appreciated this has gone the wags and starlets have taken their place. as fashion follows social tends perhaps even these sacred places will sink beneath the on coming tide of mediocrity
Thursday, 28 January 2010
dominique de villepin and the tale of two small men

dominique de villepin once unelected pm of france was accused during the race for presidency of slurring the reputation of sarkozy. tall goodlooking, patrician and intellectual, his hauteur was something to behold .if looks were enough he would have made a great president. he lost out to sarkozy for his party's nomination . de villepin's henchmen conducted a dirty campaign - however it is politics therefore so what.sarkozy wanting to destroy his rival brought him into the same courtroom that tried marie antionette. they had a lousy case then ,this time the same, the difference is they lost de villepin goes free , de villepin diminished by his henchmen with sarkozy diminished even further .it is another demonstration that democracy is run by the self obessed men and that we need a revolutionary thinker to make a democratic process that really addresses the problems of the 21st century
Sunday, 24 January 2010
even in the winter beautiful and strange things grow
Notre civilisation a-t-elle égaré ses valeurs ? Revenir à la pierre de la mémoire. Les fondations figurées et concrètes. Confronter les valeurs de la république, du spirituel et de l'historique. Ne pas se demander s'il faut des lois pour respecter l'espace de la démocratie française. Ne pas se demander si nous sommes les héritiers de la démocratie. Avoir des certitudes et des espoirs.
Ville d'Hiver et de Soleil
Depuis longtemps une idée me questionne: la vie organique de nos cités. c'est à dire le fait que certaines villes se révèlent à elles-mêmes et donc aux promeneurs lorsque tombent sur leur front la lumière dhiver, celle d'été, peut-être m^me la pluie. Je précise: en hiver je peine à reconnaître la ville charnelle qui est la mienne. Elle me semble comme absente à elle-même. Je dirais qu'elle me paraît comme exilée. La blessure froide de l'hiver l'a enlevée à notre regard. Par ailleurs si ma ville s'éloigne proportionnellement à l'avancée du froid d'autres s'ouvrent à son contact comme des fleurs de givre, d'humidité ou de grisaille. De belles fleurs tristes. Donc le rythme organique du corps vivants des villes seraient la métaphore du corps des Hommes qui y vivent. Je vois donc le retour d'Avril dans quelques mois comme une résurrection, une renaissance de mon regard, une reconquête de la vie de la pierre ocre.
Thursday, 21 January 2010
Haiti has a history unstable as its seismic base ,it has known Independence, Spanish rule ,french rule, American rule, dictatorship and corruption.itwas wrested from Napoleon via slaves revolt. it has a proud and yet unfortunate history .the current catastrophe is beyond imagnation and requires unstinted heroism all round. it seems however that here is no international co-ordinated effort. it has also become an opportunity for French to snipe at americans while threal work is done by firemen who refuse to give up and are dragging people from building 8 days after the earth quake .in England the government response has been pathetic ,the British public out of its own pocket stumping up more than a government that spends 20 million on its own publicity .rock bottom opportunism last night when the PMs wife the ubiquitous Sarah turned up a TV soap ward ceremony ,that no so called first lady would be seen dead at ,and made a speech amidst the awards about haiti. thus patronising people who do not need lectures on compassion from politicians wives. it is high time we were saved from the politicising of tragedy ,and that the united mations paid for task for to coordinate the rescue work in future disasters, saving us from thisinseemly struggle amongst politicians trying to appear the most caring, no one is fooled as precious time and money are wasted
Friday, 15 January 2010
the snow has finally relented, while it lasted it revealed several unplatable things about the uk.a central government that couldnt even handle this emergency.local government that didnt grit the side roads left pavenments hazardous even in the centre of town. what happened to volontary snow clearing. none existent as community spirit. even school cretakers dont clear yards any more.casualty departmrnts are overwhelmed because coucils skimp on salt. snow might be a natural phenomenun but it as also revealed community and council torpitude all for the sake of saving money.and for what.
Sunday, 10 January 2010
two things that unite solar polar
french laws some good some curious
in France a law is about to be enforced which fines woman from wearing the burka in public .there is much controversy about this in england.it is impossible for someone to teach with their face covered is an instance in england that has caused problems. however it is subjection of women to men's will, or the suggestion infidel men are inflamed by lust at he sight of an unveiled woman that is deeply insulting. in england we do not have the courage of the french government, yet the anomalies continue unchallenged a picture in newspaper in the summer showed a young man walking with is burka clad wife, open shirt underpants showing and with a piercing. the male flaunting his body next to a subjugated women was incongruous. was she happy with this well never know. one girl in paris stated the french state in its actions is protecting us as women. which i think is justification enough 2 a new french law is to pin point psychological abuse in marriage how do you define this are we talking of differences between men and women ,personality traits ,a conversationalist married to some one introverted could find that mental abuse, the ramifications are endless .how can any of this be proved unless cameras are introduced into the home,,3 sarkozy at the behest of his allegedly musician of a wife carla is to impose a tax on google to offset the effect of illegal down lodes .since a child i have resisted collective punishment refusing to accept a detention when i was not the one behaving badly in a classroom . the culprits here should be pinpointed. it is not fair to to persecute the many because of few ,it is sloppy way to arrive at legislation and above all unjust
Saturday, 9 January 2010
Le style de la colombe
L'écrivain Marcel proust cristallise au réel l'immense classe de son style écrit. Il devient donc le prolongement de son oeuvre, ou plutôt son oeuvre vivante. Etrange phénomène car la cathédrale de son écriture est aussi le synonyme de sa mort. Quoiqu'il en soit il est l'élégance très XIX°siècle à la française. Comme une fumée de cigarette, comme une colombe fragile, comme l'étincelante beauté d'une flamme prête à s'éteindre. IL faut se rappeler de lui pour mieux vivre aujourd'hui.

Wednesday, 6 January 2010
luise rainer back to back oscar winner 36/37
Austrian born Luise Rainer celebrates her 100 birthday this week .Rainer lives in London in what was vivien Leigh's old flat in Eaton place. she is the oldest living Oscar winner having received recognition in 1936 for her performance in the great Ziegfeld and 1937 for the good earth. set to be one of m.g.m's greatest stars and a replacement for Garbo she quarreled with Louis .b. Mayer and left the studio after making only eight films , she has worked sporadically since. but retains to this day the Aura of star. living in London she is frequently appears at premiers and openings at art galleries . having lost none of her sparkle she remains a thorn in the side of time and a living testimony of the life force within us.
Tuesday, 5 January 2010
when is it time to forget
roman Polanski was arrested for crime he committed thirty years ago, the victim wants to let it rest, several prominent french intellectuals have come out giving louche support. child molestation what ever the justification sets an example we can do without .in the UK we prosecute criminals through DNA back dating. Nazi war criminals in their 80's get their dues , so what is Polanski's excuse. it was a long time ago the victim wasn't scarred. hes an artist. not good enough if we let artists off, what about the rest of us. what is the point of detection agencies . if we make exemptions we are headed for anarchy Polanski should, i believe this fervently, be treated like the rest us . mps princes everyone should be equal before the law.
Dy Style pour 2010

Barbey d'Aurevilly
Face aux nauséabonds vacarmes de la vulgarité du monde, à la violence de la bêtise, aux agressions des mots et des poings, le seul acte de guerre, de résistance, c'est le style. Il est la mise en forme de la beauté d'un certain désespoir face à la froideur pesante, à l'abrutissement généralisé, il est le soupçon d'air, de révolte, Celui Qui Tire vers le haut. La mise en forme de fils intérieur Ciel.
Monday, 4 January 2010
best dressed/ worst dressed

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