Monday, 26 July 2010
english summer
it started well but has now reverted to pick and mix days of sun and shade , there is a lighter atmosphere since the new government arrived, the previous government cannot accept that it is out of office. meanwhile the new politics is much more pleasant the fact that two men can co-operate together troubles people , its very easy i think for two men who like each other to cooperate on any thing . it is grown up .it is the degenerate state of labour politics that they cant envisage this. now the season is over its time to go on holiday, France of course for polar .to sit on terrace watch ship sail for Africa head off to severines for coffee and croissant's and the corsican brothers restaurant ,bliss . more importantly it is time to meet up with my cher amis in la coitat and nimes so whats not to look forward to except the brevity of it all and the autumn that follows on its heels aurevoir until then
la morran an english jungle
Tuesday, 13 July 2010
never too late
the disturbing release of roman polanski begs lot of questions , if a certain amount of time elapses should we forgive and forget , i dont think so . recently an unsolved murder has been cleared up in bath , dna records have cleared up unsolved mysteries elsewhere. in polanski's case it seems that media pressure from people who should know better in including a french minister of state have claimed there are mitigating cicumstances because he is great film maker . would a great dentist or a great street sweeper get the same clemency -i think not. he did what he did the same as caravaggio did what he did , once we become less than equal under the law we begin to unpick the fabric of our civilisation
Wednesday, 7 July 2010
things im not looking for in france
less american sized chips ,less macdonalds , no irish bars, no mistral , no unreasonable policemen who think you don't understand french and therefore think they can bully you , ethnic minorities suffer the same in england , no rogue local trains like travelling bidonvilles no more big yachts with people eating their meals in public to show how well off they are, computer breakdowns in supermarkets, supermarket trollies with broken wheels ,plagues of jelly fish, forest fires ,buildings edging the mugel national park -- but more authentic provencal cooking ,more bargain markets ,independent patisseries, more endless fine weather more seas edge cafes , more fish markets like marseile , more french movies , more catherine la bord's weather forcasts , i could go on but thinking of of belle mer rather than mer agite is a good place to finish
over and out
u'k troops have borne the brunt of casualties in sanguin province in afghanistan 4times as many in proportion as the u.s this because gordon brown under equipped the troops for the mission ,he lied to the war commission his penny pnching has resulted in many unecessary deaths ,the new lib con administration turning its back on the follies of the last government it is also turning it back on the untited states to ofor friends else where, germany, france and india - about time too
Friday, 2 July 2010
wimbledon turn offs
the Williams sisters screeching ,anyone who screeches should be banned, nadal's grunting and aggression, Judy Murray, nadal's overdeveloped left shoulder ,Andrew castles commentating forget a blanced view, bad tempered players abusing their rackets, the fact that federers out and power tennis is in ,these are few of my unfavourite Wimbledon things
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