Monday, 28 September 2009

globe theatre south bank

the globe is an open air attempt to re-create an Elizabethan theatre. the current production of Shakespeare's loves labours lost is lively and has a young cast and is one of Shakespeare's most complex plays with an open ended finale that leaves everything in abeyance .the costumes and presentation work well, and the auditorium is compact some of the spectators are standing in front of a stage that dominates the whole building .however make sure you get seated on the lowest deck the top Deck isn't too good for anyone with hearing difficulties ,not me as it happens ,also some of the action can be obscured by the the angle of the building maybe mikeing the performers would help. purists would say that's not Elizabethan but neither are the low lying air craft that often drown out the dialogue.the court Yard out side is interesting as it is made up slabs that note the names of donors to the building -look you'll find names from ex prime minsters to Marlene Dietrich. to be avoided however the theatre bar inside the adjacent building ruinously expensive £25 for what looked like 4 half glasses of rose and pomegranate juice. also the seats were uncomfortable like the ones in the globe itself except there's an excuse there as it supposed to be elizabethan and youcan hire a cushion. adjacent is the Tate modern the most visited modern art building in the world and there are terrific views of st Paul's the city and the totally uninspiring millennium bridge spanning the Thames .any one on the tourist trail from France must not miss this example of English theatre at its best and also most eccentric

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