austrian hedy lamarr who found fame in the casablanca prototype algiers, was huge hollywood star in 40's .her look so influential that more than one contemporary star imitated her . her beauty tended to over shadow her acting, nor was she over concerned with her career turning down Casablanca gaslight,laura, duel in the sun and saratoga trunk ,largely because being Jewish she devoted herself to the war effort, tirelessly raising money.she also invented a frequency hopping sytemn designed to jam enemy radio signals. this technology led on to gyroscopic elements of rocketry and space exploration and the invention of the mobile phone; she also invented sequential traffic light systems in use in new york .everyone looked at lamarr when they might well have listened. the patent on her invention ran out and she received small recompense even from the U.S government .before she died she was honoured by the electronic frontiers institute in California for her pioneering work . a great movie star, theshe was epitome of hollywood glamour ,but more importantly a world class physicist, to whom we are all indebted
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