Monday, 31 May 2010
hats tell a story

Thursday, 20 May 2010
heating up
the debate about he burka heats up in France, a scuffle in Nantes and act in the french parliament, i find it difficult to converse with anyone whose face is co vered, balaclava, hoodie, burka ,its all the same, why are you with drawing from the rest of humanity - hiding the mirror of your soul your eyes even.in most cases it men who impose this discipline on women ,not always but mostly . our own past history in England has echoes of this ,men imposed codes of dress codes cover for legs uncovered chests . as recently at he 50's in England it was not permitted for a woman to enter a church without head covered ,hats often had a token veil .now in England anything ,goes which doesn't mean its better. my only feeling is that no one should impose a dress code, especially husbands on their wives .though i do have my own level of intolerance in the cathedral at perigeaux a dutch guy wearing a hat -i was raised to go bare headed in church as mark of respect - the ignorance or was it sheer indifference to the place he was in ,was shocking for me in its own way
Monday, 17 May 2010
hopefully this is not what its about

sampras ,Hewitt who saw more elegant players like Arthur ash ,Bjorn Borg etc pushed aside- now we have Rafael Nadal- Rafa to drooling sports commentators who sound like teeny girls at a pop concert , they seem unable to see what a ludicrous mess he is. once it was all white gear , here we've got Orange tee shirts, bandannas, hideous bermudas- forget elegance .this week he defeated balletic elegant roger federer in Madrid. normally roger plays elegantly but when nadal plays each match becomes a boring shoot out devoid of charm or thrills. agressive as an artillary barrage and about as destructive he doesn't smile , grimaces ,punches the air ,grunts like a hippopotamus .his ritual before he serves is extremely irritating this includes myriad ticks ,one of which involves adjusting his underwear .with his over muscled body on display he brings all the refinement of a weightlifting contest to any match he plays -no skill just brutish strength required. roger federer looked unengaged i think he wanted to play not fight. if nadal's resurgence continues were in for a summer of switch off boring slog it out tennis with artistry fled elsewhere
another france- jumilac le grand
Wednesday, 12 May 2010
over and out
gordon brown has gone already the gloom has begun to lift, even the labour party looks brighter. hopefully the rag bag of manipulators mandleson, lord adonis and alistair campbell will be consigned to the dust bin of history, already they are attacking the new consensus politics . they do not understand we need a new liberal approach to democracy .the good news is a lot of intrusive legislation is to be repealed allowing human decency to reveal itself once more. the new alliance hopefully catches the mood of the nation for compromise not confrontation. i cannot feel sorry for brown a man who had divided the nation ,under equipped the troops ruined pensions and the economy and who hates anyone standing in his way. you could compare brown to king lear but his own fondness for heath cliffe is better- an obsessive who destroyed everything and everyone around him ,no tears here just good riddance
Saturday, 8 May 2010
Poésie, arme de résistance
Donne moi dans l’oreille
Le son des eaux frappantes
Celui qui dans la joue musarde
Car te voilà Ô mon infante
Rosée au toit du monde
Ton langage replié
Ton langage tordu vidé
Que je ne tends plus
Sinon pour t’imaginer
Ce langage du fin fond
Et déjà ma désintégration
Qui parvient à tous encore que
Ma mémoire à peine éclose
Regagne la paume de années
De dizaine
Donne moi dans l’oreille
Le son des eaux frappantes
Celui qui dans la joue musarde
Car te voilà Ô mon infante
Rosée au toit du monde
Ton langage replié
Ton langage tordu vidé
Que je ne tends plus
Sinon pour t’imaginer
Ce langage du fin fond
Et déjà ma désintégration
Qui parvient à tous encore que
Ma mémoire à peine éclose
Regagne la paume de années
De dizaine
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