the dordogne,is a favourite of the English where they set up crazy expat groups like cricket clubs .i can understand why they like it because the landscape is strongly reminiscent of the lake district. the architecture is Romanesque stretching back to Charlemagne , though even the greatest have suspect family trees .Charlemagne was the offspring of Pepin the short and Bertha big foot . the area has a Germanic feel everywhere huge chateaux a visit to caves at villars , perigeaux , and sarlat were worth while experiences, though the sacre ceoeur addition to the medieval cathedral in pergeoux is a monstrosity, at the same time there is a roman exhibition featuring a temple and villa which was a stunning presentation. the weather ,we should have guessed the scenery is so lush ,was wet and cold. my first love is solar france this gave me, no encouragement to change my allegiances .i love my tropical gardens ,Riviera glamour, marseille ,nimes and that's that ,i'm not fickle , however the food is great and free of interminable pizzeria's , an exemplary lunch in sarlat proved what can still be done for 14 euros -hats off to the patron at the. delicies de alice .if you like pate, duck , solid country food then your in heaven . the Simply super market was a fantastic treasure trove of rose wine, nevertheless i longed for the sun, more arid places my eyes continually drawn south and east to Provence and my particular land of lotus eating
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