Friday, 11 June 2010

the unspecial relationship

England has always been accused of being subservient to the u.s and that special relation ship exists well only when it suits the u.s the current British bashing o ver the oil spill masks the fact that deep sea drilling was forced on bp and the contract framed out to american operatives not of B.P 's choosing but that won't help Obama win an election. the UK was betrayed during WW2 by having it assets stolen in exchange for old war ships , its empire dissolved earlier than even the Indians wanted ,in order that they would lend us money we only paid of three years ago. they betrayed us in the Falklands ,Suez their companies take over British companies and destroy them, their culture and food products are predatory ,so with a jealous mean minded friend like this- who incidentally maintained the IRA as freedom fighters until freedom fighters hit home at the twin towers -who needs enemies

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