Saturday, 27 November 2010

the opposite of eye candy

i cant bring my self to put a picture of this guy on here, what is it about nadal that makes me want to switch off and give up on my favourite sport tennis----------------------------------------well i thought tennis was about skill not aggression .he doesn't play beautiful tennis his racket is a club ,not an instrument, to beat up his opponents with . then there is ghastly animal grunt each time he hits the ball, plus the scowling, the jumping up and down- that's before we get round to the ticks. he bounces the ball 10 times before he serves ,that's after he adjusted his under wear (why can't he get comfortable pants) touches nose,his back pocket pushes his hair back at either side .then serves .add to this crabs claw arm the over developed shoulder another couple of attributes we won't mention and stylist from hell and there you have nadal .he might get the results but he's not the best, if winning at any cost is what its all about ok ,but if enhancing your sport is what it is really all about then nadal is something else .pulling an injury stunt when he was at paris and then questioning djkoviks eye injury this week shows a sportsman he ain't. he might fool the drooling commentators who'll lick the floor before a winner ,but if he continues the sport will produce a series of opponents being led to the slaughter house ,with the game as about attractive as an abattoir

Friday, 26 November 2010


in england in the 17th century we had our revolution led by parliamentarian oliver cromwell and we learned our lesson. feckless king charles had his head cut off .however what did we get in its place, a republic that persecuted catholics, the irish , hunted down and burned whitches destroyed art, separated us permanently from ireland ,and then set up it own hereditary system and abolished christmas - the restoration of the monarchy with merry monarch king charles 2 and his many mistress meant that half of england has royal blood any way - the best thing about the monarchy is it stops politicians going for the top job, we keep hearing about implausible presidential candidates if the monarchy went- richard branson who cant string two sentences to gether, judi drench whose already played victoria and elizabeth, queen helen mirren- a terrible impersonation and whose russian anyway -- other ghastlies on the list stephen fry , lord putnam , dawn french and tony blair we might as well hve billy elliot or nigella - luvvies and lefties who we'd never get rid of -no thanks i'd rather keep her majesty and her grisly family though if charles ascends the throne he wont have my allegiance i will have transferred it to the next generation

Wednesday, 24 November 2010

Une monarchie républicaine II.

La révolution française m'a longtemps semblé être un fait historique garant de notre patrimoine démocratique et culturel, je dis longtemps car cette idée en moi a disparu. Et plus encore sans doute: j'ai changé d'opinion: je pense avec davantage de recul que, outre le bain de sang, outre l'injuste et sordide sacrifice d'Hommes; de Femmes, de Roi et de Reine, elle fut le deuil irrémédiable de notre vision spirituelle du Citoyen, c'est à dire de l'Homme dans la société, le réduisant factuellement à ses actes, son patronyme et ses utilités. En effet la laïcité républicaine a ouvert la voie à une société positiviste tenant en haine toute idée de transcendance mais aussi de civilisation judéo-chrétienne. Aujourd'hui nul besoin de réfléchir pour comprendre que les barbaries religieuses d'aujourd'hui s'insinuent là où nous avons nous-mêmes laissé la friche s'installer, en définitive la laïcité française n'est pas un néant vierge mais un espace vide à remplir, remplissage dont se sont emparés d'autres esprits bien éloignés de la laïcité. Cela est le premier point. Le second, c'est cet argument sur lequel la révolution s'est construite: l'abolition des privilèges...A bien y regarder ont-ils disparu ? Nos élites ne se réservent-elles plus le bénéfice matériel ou idéologique ? Les décisions sont-elles réellement partagées ? Allons bon, cela est risible et sans tomber dans le populisme la république n'existe pas concrètement. Elle est morcelée, elle existe en bribes, en miettes, dans certains cas, pas pour tous, parfois, cela dépend...Le président français, je dis bien quel qu'il soit, use et abuse de son pouvoir "monarchique" dans sa mise en concurence des hommes et femmes de sa cour, dans la mise en scène de lui-même etc...La république est monarchique ! Elle est donc bancale. Amis Français, vous qui regardez la monarchie parlementaire Britannique avec condescendance, réflechissez-y davantage...

Une monarchie républicaine I.

Saturday, 20 November 2010

Le remaniement fantôme

Le président Sarkozy a composé il y a peu son nouveau gouvernement, gouvernement annoncé comme il se doit depuis le perron de l'Elysée, récompensant la vie de courtisans politiques parisiens. On y constate, comme à chaque fois, la polyvalence formidable de nos ministres, qui, peuvent prendre avec la même fulgurante compétence les rênes de n'importe quel ministère, monopolisant les éclairs omnipotents, ils peuvent tour à tour composer avec la justice ou la politique internationale ou encore l'éducation. Cela sans aucune hésitation, un ministre peut gérer la justice sans avoir de notion de Droit, gérer la santé sans avoir aucune idée des métiers de santé, gérer l'éducation sans , jamais, avoir vu un élève de prés...Ils savent tout, ils peuvent tout, ils disent tout, ils font tout, ils pensent tout, ils prennent tout, ils réfléchissent à tout et pour Tous etc...Ce postulat politique me semble être bien malheureusement le point de départ de la fin de la politique. Rien, en effet, n'est moins crédible ou représentatif que cette valse permanente des êtres au détriment du fond: c'est à dire l'intérêt supérieur de notre nation, de notre culture, de notre mémoire. La vie politique à la française, depuis bien longtemps, épargnons de condamner le seul président sur ce point, est un théâtre de dupes où l'on pratique l'autoconviction, qui voudrait que la compétence se décrète.Cela me semble absolument désolant et morbide. Morbide dans le sens que rien ne peut, pour l'instant, venir à nouveau souffler la vie là, où, le monde politique ,lui, pratique des lois qui semblerait folles en dehors de lui-même.

Friday, 19 November 2010


with a royal wedding in the offing prince charles has to drop a spanner inthe works by saying camilla might evetually be queen -a daunting pospect. however it is typical of a man .the royal equivalent of gordon brown who cant accept hes not the brightest star around- jealous of his for mer wife. part responsible for the kate/ wiliam split he finds himself between a rock and hard place- the queen example of duty and fortitude and the rising stars william and his bride so dont fight it charles you never were and never will be ,roll over now and make most of us happy

Sunday, 14 November 2010

a sense of propotion

thin skinned yasmin alibaigh brown is insulted and a tory coucillor gets arrested. this same lady can diss white skin and thats ok. now asians can threaten t.a volonteers and burn the poppy on rememberance day and nothing happens .more fuel for the national front from an establishment that sees fairness operates in one direction but not the other

Friday, 12 November 2010

destruction at millbank

where does hate like this come from why are the vandals still running amok within our civilisation why did Muslim fanatics burn a symbolic red Poppy on remembrance day politicising of causes or religion has a lot to answer for


its been a bad week for clarity of thought, i did believe the British way of protest was something muted.however the students march in London proved me wrong. a potential for death and destruction stalked the streets aided by police organisers letting too few men face the mob then useing it as an excuse to warn about coming cuts. students demonstration is a regular occurrence or used to be, dangerous violence isn't - the nutty lecturers at goldsmith supporting the violence need to be questioned as educationalists, what did the riot yesterday achieve, alienation from the public which is a shame legit protest exists in a democracy - but there i was in my own place in a week of strife confronting an ugly minded builder ,a bully who cares nothing for the community ecology or anything not that our so called community leaders from the parish coucil bothered to turn up to offer any support - did i want to hit him, sabotage his crane- maybe, but I'm civilised person ,violence takes you down a path that has no predictable destination . what of the site he took `10 ft more hedge than he needed to because hes a bully and as for the Land which was down graded the soil looks wonderful friable and rich .what have learned this week reason doesn't always prevail ,and the good guys don't always win, and the we have a lazy minded political establishment that is all mouth an no knowledge .is there a better place somewhere, let me know i'll move there pronto- no wonder people dream of the hesprides ,lyonesse and Camelot

Tuesday, 9 November 2010

the rape of bishops hull

this is what happens to a 200 year old hedgerow when the developers get in a .new development in bishops hull was opposed by everyone In village but it still goes ahead .so much for local democracy the builders only have provisonal approval yet they go in via a technical loophole and destroy the hedge .the builders said i quote ''democray what do i care about the locality or the environment commerce comes first ''such is the lousy system of goverment we live under which harbours a council run by builders- be fearful for the future you dont live in a democracy

is democracy an illusion

ant war posteres in bath -this is the way the brits do it, we hold up placards sign petitions we want to get out of aghanistan does any one listen the mechanism is there to protest does anyone listen -no democracy is an illusion that only works as long as you comply with our leaders

Sunday, 7 November 2010

le difference

here in de la criox's liberty leading the people we have french protest and Passion rolled into one. never mind the mayhem death and destruction the french go for it even if its like sawing off a branch of tree your sitting on .from 1793 revolution after revolution barricade after barricade . recently fresh mayhem against change in the pension age. what happened the french parliament passed the law and the riots petered out. in england we march occasionally but we haven't rioted since the miners strike in the 80's -whats wrong with the English( Ireland is different they Love a good riot) were not so daft as to believe it makes any difference , a million marched against the iraq war ,it did n0t make scrap of difference either . from the jarrow march to the miners strike nothing achieved ,so whats the point .the only thing our leaders worry about is winning elections once they win its shut your faces go way. so like the cynical lot we are we don't do anything -.thank god we have the much maligned media who can get their stilettos into the political class who want to lead us wwith no clue as to where the mass of us really want to go as long as they have their ministerial cars and perks . so guys put you feet up and let the telegraph and the mail do there damnedest -as for the french well if that's what you think makes a difference, then you better get on with it .but please it needs more stamina than you showed recently otherwise it proves the english really have a point

Saturday, 6 November 2010

not like this any more

maureen o hara's connection with france is an unlikely one, she played esmeralda in notre dame de paris . i include her here at the request of one of our readers . irish and beautiful instead of black and white movies she appeared in technicolor adventures. a whole generation of school boys were led to believe that women were really like her strong willed ,capable and beautiful .she is unusual for several, reasons unlike stars of the period her hair was usually worn loose , and she could wear costume when other stars were overwhelmed by it.- she was 5ft 10 ins tall and was match for strong leading men and enlivened weaker ones .her career lasted 60 years. she eschewed plastic surgery and like Brigitte bar dot retained her dignity. she appeared in 70 films many of them classics and was particularly famous as john ford protege and a star of pirate movies. always a match for any man she was fine athlete, a first class swordsman, doing her own stunts. so famous is the cottage scene in the quiet man that it was included in e.t not appreciated by the critics or the academy she has attained legend status late in life . never afraid of controversy she broke single handed the grip of a scandal magazine in Hollywood .she has been neglected from an honorary award by the academy -a long term relationship with Anthony Quinn didn't help, nor did an affair with Che Guevara no less. an accomplished writer ,singer and rebel against the establishment ,she maintained a career through courage determination and the support of all those school boys, who grew into men and finally made sure ,that this great lady got her due. when Maureen o' hara was on screen you looked at no one else

Thursday, 4 November 2010

following a great tradition

having met nigella at a book signing , my sister in law - said of course shes covered in wrinkles- sorry to disappoint but she looks as good in the flesh as she does on tv and was terribly charming so there ! she embodies a tradition of women who were culinary temptresses nell gwyn and her oranges ,Hogarth's shrimp girl. there is something 18thc about nigella i'm pleased to say- she makes me want to raid the fridge have drink when i shouldn't, diet conscious not a chance, tuck in and enjoy yourself what more can you want


the Anglo and Franco phobes have been having a field day now the armies are going to merge , well why not merge were usually on the same side these days .the argument we wouldnt be able to do our own thing like going into Iraq, in that case a pity we didn't merge sooner. as for the English army -lo0king for ward to perks like wine with meals sexier uniforms. the french well they get a chance to fight the way they want along side guys who they'd rather fight alongside than any one else. if this is the beginning of integration between France and UK bring it on , sarkozy has also helped turn France's' face away from Germany and like any other suitor were mightily pleased to have got our best girl back from our greatest rival.

going noisettes

back after a hectic week in the frozen north- bright but bloody cold ,got back to find i was offline. had been stupid enough to change bank accounts and think they would hook up with paying bills alas no .then eight days struggle to get back on line ,not helped by a mumbai line service -hey its not me that doesn't speak good English. got on again after i hired an engineer- god help anyone who hasn't one at hand. then on motor way down somebody collided with somebody else on the m 1 a five hour journey stretched into 7- so if I'm not noisettes i should be- so back in the real world what do i find uni fees through the roof, national treasures Anne widicombe and Stephen fry anything but, as they make total fools of themselves. and now admiral neslon has to share his plinth with villineuve - and then i have champagne socialist knocking the big society. why don't these dim guardianistas realise the big society had been the aim of Christianity, read the sermon on the mount ,and true socialism. socialism in England is partisan, therefor not socialist -so guys pause and think what the words mean when you sing Jerusalem. after this lot no wonder I'm joining the brother hood of the noisettes