here in de la criox's liberty leading the people we have french protest and Passion rolled into one. never mind the mayhem death and destruction the french go for it even if its like sawing off a branch of tree your sitting on .from 1793 revolution after revolution barricade after barricade . recently fresh mayhem against change in the pension age. what happened the french parliament passed the law and the riots petered out. in england we march occasionally but we haven't rioted since the miners strike in the 80's -whats wrong with the English( Ireland is different they Love a good riot) were not so daft as to believe it makes any difference , a million marched against the iraq war ,it did n0t make scrap of difference either . from the jarrow march to the miners strike nothing achieved ,so whats the point .the only thing our leaders worry about is winning elections once they win its shut your faces go way. so like the cynical lot we are we don't do anything -.thank god we have the much maligned media who can get their stilettos into the political class who want to lead us wwith no clue as to where the mass of us really want to go as long as they have their ministerial cars and perks . so guys put you feet up and let the telegraph and the mail do there damnedest -as for the french well if that's what you think makes a difference, then you better get on with it .but please it needs more stamina than you showed recently otherwise it proves the english really have a point
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