Thursday, 16 July 2009

airbrushing the truth

the french authorities are now air brushing any signs of smoking from images of the past. those with fags knocked out of their mouths include delon , bardot , dietrich and audrey hepburn .its very ok to ban smoking but to pretend it never existed suggests counselling is needed for obesseive pruriants- who would re- write visual history--- not so funny the fact that gordon brown slashed money for helicopters in 2001 in afgahanistan .now for 8,000 troops there are ten british helicopters for americans with same number of troops 120, brown yesterday said he had increased the number by 60 percent, that meant six .the most dngerous man in the world is one who never admits the truth or that he is ever wrong .our original story is about foolish nes, the second has deadly consquences and is the tragic opposite of a joke. a writer in the indpendent said men have grudging respect for brown, where has this guy been, just look at the faces of army personel when he visits them abroad and why does he engender amongst most of my male friends suspicion ,for a variety of reasons, as well as managing out to arouse the robespierre / defarge element to an extent we havent felt before - maybe its something to do with unelected ancien regimes

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