Wednesday 29 September 2010

Tuesday 28 September 2010

in every eden

in every eden there is a serpent, for every maiden there is a dragon, in every cabbage patch there are slugs ,the dragon that disturbs the eden of the provencal littoral is the threat of fire. every time the mistral blows, one pauses, fires are usually started deliberately on windy days , the latest conflagration between la coitat and cassis almost penetrating la coitat itself .why do the pyromaniacs do it, a drug induced wish to see it burn or just sheer wickedness, who knows .it takes years to regenerate what has been lost .the solution to restore the mixed woodland that once covered provence now replaced by pines which were able to survive the ravenous attentions of goats, the canadaires that quench the fires are something we ought to have in the u.k

old politics

in france chirac wriggles out of trouble by paying back money to avoid prosecution , in uk we have new leader of labour elected in part by unions who have no mandate - to revise the words of madame roland ''democracy what sins are committed in thy name''

Wednesday 22 September 2010

L'éternel automne du rock anglo-américain

J'ai été, je le crois profondément,sauvé par la musique anglo-saxonne. Sauvé non pas au sens symbolique mais métabolique. La littérature française fut la première marche vers la compréhension de l'automne qui est en moi néanmoins rien dans la musique francophone, rien, dis-je en insistant, ne parlait à ce que je suis. Un mutisme ridicule de prétentions l'habite, aucune tensions vers les tréfonds de l'âme ne s'y trouve, c'est une musique étriquée et politique. Ici je veux dire l'outrageuse usurpation des chanteurs francophones, exception faite sans doute à Jacques Brel. Demain c'est l'automne et en écoutant encore et encore l'écho du fond de mon ventre qui habite une langue qui n'est pas la mienne, je me sens profondément le débiteur de cette culture anglaise. Combien de français peuvent comprendre cela ? Combien peuvent le savoir ? Qui va leur dire dans l'aveuglement anglo-scéptique des médias français. Alors je le répète né français, mes frères d'âme anglo-saxons m'ont tiré du néant musical de mon pays. Autour de moi, croyez ce que je vous dis, autour de moi je le porte haut ce discours. Malheureusement le goût français parfois me désole.

Monday 20 September 2010

an ambition fulfilled

since i was student,i have always wanted to see the facade of st triomphe in arles, the sculptures on the front of the church show christ in majesty surrounded by his saints, sinners on one side the damned on the other, to view it was to get an insight into the mediaeval mind where god was not just one of love but also one of vengeance .that i was able to see this was thanks to solar who also intoduced me to the director of a theatrical gruop that performs in the roman theatre even the arena had gladiators in it, another memorable day in my beloved midi

the x factor

whait is it about the french president that would make an ex minister with a mysterious baby your brother's ex wife conspire to bring your own ex wife back in order to ouste the current wife incomprehensible this side of the channel - french farce at its best perhaps, back stabbing ,rumour mongering ,glamerous rivals, we have it all yet at the centre of the vortex what have we got, the diminutive sarkozy. either this regiment of women are mad or sakozy had hidden talents that make him worth the struggle. at the moment the present day catherine de medic carla bruni has seen off the attack --another lull before another storm in this particular tasse de the

Sunday 19 September 2010

citizens of nimes may not have noticed

growing in flower bed at the top of the boulevard victor hugo close to the carre is a rare plant an erythrina christa galli it is very tender i have never seen one growing inthe open before citizens of nimes stop and admire this small miracle rather simply passing it by

Saturday 18 September 2010

cool dog nimes

this dog with a badit style bandana round his neck looks out for his master, one of the many sights of the cathderal square that gives it the character and flavour that makes it well worth the visit

Thursday 16 September 2010

a building i really do appreciate

the cathedral at nimes stands adjacent to its ancient heart and dominates a small square, streets leading in all directions from it through the old town. this building is a melange of styles but more than that is a record of the influences that have shaped nimes as a city . there are traces of roman , romanesque, gothic ,even suggestions of islamic, maybe the influence of crucaders .it is not a world class building but, it is a class act amongst local building as it breathes the history of nimes and is a monument to the evolution of the city .it is fitting that it dominates a bustling square with a marvellous cafe ,where it is possible to contemplate the world passing by and yet be strongly reminded of the past and eternal values . the cathedral stands guard fittingly over the current citizens of nimes and the preciousness of the french way of life in the south that in its many facets it symbolises and preserves

i stand my ground

the Eiffel tower was a unique structure in iron - unique being the operative word there is nothing that compares to its size or use of is a perfect marrying of engineering and elegance. it is one of the few great iconic structures that doesn't disappoint. the pyramid at the louvre is beautiful, gorgeous , its positioning daring and unique ,the word unique keeps cropping and is the essence of great architecture .i offer you st triomphe at arles. art and architecture are a combination of the utilitarian and the elegant bold concepts take time to gain acceptance . however if we return to the carre d'art where is its unique quality where is the breadth of concept .the pyramid and Eiffel are structures that defy their imitators the carre d'art of norman foster embraces them

Faut-il la démonter ?

La laideur disait-on...

L'insoutenable modernité...

La cruauté de mon ami anglais qui compare le carré d'Art Nîmois à un vulgaire supermarché me rappelle plusieurs événements de l'Histoire de l'art dont tout le monde aujourd'hui s'accorde à dénoncer l'injustice: le premier, c'est le refus de maintenir la tour eiffel sur le lieu de son exposition, il fallait la démonter, la détruire, l'enlever, malgré cela, elle fut maintenue,qu'en est-il désormais, un symbole international de la "Francitude". Le second exemple est la pyramide du Louvres, hurlements et injures lors de sa consruction, aujourd'hui, sa fierté de verre est reconnue de tous et elle trône magnifiquement et a su changer le regard des passants. IL faut savoir adapter son oeil à ce que l'on regarde, assouplir sa curiosité, refuser les jugements hatifs. J'ai un immense respect pour la culture de mon ami anglais et je sais déjà qu'il comprend, il avait compris avant le début de ce débat.

Wednesday 15 September 2010

an uncanny resemblence

i respect the views of my ami francais, however he is not confronted by variations on the foster theme which litter england from end to end , i am not a foster fan,nimes is a marvellous place ,full of vitality and visual surprises i feel nothing is too good for this city and the carre is too routine to be worthy

Dans la miroir du temps: merci au carré d'Art

Le carré d'Art est un miroir du temps, il fait face à la maison carrée est lui présente son sublime reflet féminin comme pour prolonger sa beauté de l'autre côté du boulevard.
Par ailleurs il est la métaphore métallique du métal architectural substitué à la pierre romaine et propose au visiteur un voyage de vingt siècles en quelques mètres, le temps de marcher d'un monument à l'autre. Son élégance légère se révèle probablement davantage à l'intérieur du bâtiment où s'associent la blancheur du trait et la présence de la lumière, il devient à ce moment précis un carré blanc léger et soyeux qui, en rien, ne déprécie sa proche amie romaine. Les Nîmois se sont habitués à sa présence, il est rentré désormais dans l'adn de la ville et lui offre une fenêtre ouverte sur la modernité là où beaucoup pensent que nous ne sommes tournés que vers notre romanité. Je ne désespère pas d'en convaincre mon ami anglais qui comme vous l'avez lu ci-dessous en doute.

Tuesday 14 September 2010

timeless next to the mundane

nimes is one of the most elegant cities of france save marseille if id been born french its where I'd want live . blessed withwide boulevards elegant squares inspired fountains it has a wonderful juxtaposition of the ancient and the traditional the arena ,the work of le notre the tour magna, to Temple of Diana wonderful! in the middle of city is the Corinthian style temple the maison carre ,alas adjacent to it is a work by Norman foster the carre d'art
this building is neither inspired or particularly modern it is pretentiously utilitarian yet wastes space, isn't well lit and looks like branch of tesco .not only is it an affront to such a city it is disappointing .a huge frontage leads to an equally huge entrance hall, negotiated by a small circular door to be confronted by a a huge staircase of pale see through Glass which robs it of any grandeur the galleries and the book shop adjacent are ill lit, further up the building galleries basic oblongs, are once again ill lit. the Best feature is the roof restaurant and the best feature of the roof restaurant the views over the city .the lifts are no good for vertigo sufferers you enter one way and if you stay in the same position end facing a blank Wall turn 360 degrees and you can alight. the toilet facilities down a precipitous corridor are not noted for their accessibility .this building like the Tate modern in london is ill lit, ill thought out .grandiose it may but impressive and functional it is not next time nimes get a bolder more inspired architect you are worthy of no less

Monday 13 September 2010

an anomoly

over many a restaurant in France you read ,restaurant ,pizzeria ,bistro and salon de the all rolled into one ,get inside and pizzas ,salad nicoise ,soup de poisson are alive and well, but where are the pictures of the queen, william shakespeare, the trellis with roses , pots of pg tips ,earl grey, scones, teacake or cream teas. what is french salon de the ,I've been in in lots Establishments but never seen any sign of anything to do with tea as i know it, so what is this all about can anyone explain

Friday 10 September 2010

things i can do without

Irish pubs french binge drinkers, the English are better at it, mistral ,maniacs that set the forest alight,poisonous corisos, police speed traps, lousy pizzas, st Charles train notifications always last minute the walk back up the station is a killer , restaurants changing hands and going down hill, replacements for Catherine la bord ,holidays too short, not seeing your friends enough realising you could and should have managed more ,lorries doubling up on motorway, Belgian traffic ,and most of all people getting fatter come on France you know better -and i don't think the arte carre is worthy of the beautiful city of nimes more about that another time

Thursday 9 September 2010

new addictions

this summer in france ive discovered the delights of flat peaches, corsican rose , morrocan mint tea , jules jeans and katie perry summer is the time for trying new things if they go wrong it doesnt matter what does matter is i stll cant get off my french body clock


sarkozy comes in for a lot of criticism, however his concern for david cameron in his hour of need proves him to be both curteous and humane - perhaps it is unwise to judge the real man by his political cover

Tuesday 7 September 2010

view from the balcon - the hour of the aperatif

summer in the midi

smooth crossing stopped of at valence then San Remy friends a terrific lunch took paintings for an exhibition la coitat has building boom will they never learn retreated to the holly wood hills of st jean ,flat balcon a treat but i wish people would water it, first Sunday breakfast at severines croissants are wow got used to eating al fresco ,friends and family arrived retreated to air conditioned hotel disappoint ment corsican brothers bought out of restaurant shame ,gone conventional and trop cher .what else about la coitat more fat people more fast food and now some binge drinkers. however high summer is amazing full moon and venus riding high at a home the cooking's better than going out found a marvellous recipe book in cote sud and, got hooked on morrocan tea. went to an exhibition verdhilan at st cyr great gallery painting exuberant thats not necessarily a complement. Sunday market found graet plant stall and discovered flat peaches on tele Catherine la borde, carla bruni in trouble again nothing new then next episode to follow on

Saturday 4 September 2010

La mort de l'été

Comment dire le vide au creux du ventre que crée la fin de l'été ? La nuit venue si tôt, lorsque rentrant chez soi on se surprend à regarder l'heure: "19 heures à peine et le soleil décline déjà ?!" Le drap qui se relève sous le menton en dormant, la soif qui se fait plus rare, la lumière du soir qui jaunit excessivement les murs, comme coagulée, le vent , si discret, si insidieux, qui vient donner un frisson oublié depuis des semaines, plus prosaïquement, les pieds qui se couvrent...
Cela accompagne comme le départ d'un ami, celui échevelé qui a embrasé le ciel d'aprés-midi. Alors oui, il y a une forme de tristesse étrange et silencieuse, une nouvelle torpeur qui nous prend tous et nous montre du doigt l'automne boiteux qui se rapproche. Je dois avouer qu'il y a un douce mélancolie musicale dans ces moments-là car le départ fait aimer les futures retrouvailles.