Saturday 15 January 2011

an oasis

after the hectic times of Christmas wears your interconnect gland out, i for one need a quiet place, my own oasis a place to remember what am i all about-- its difficult living near to a building site but i try to imagine an empty space . what did i do in this place i read and then i drew or painted things i don't normally paint desert men, fighting bulls, in a medium i don't usually use, and i cut out all extraneous contact- that is contact you have because you think you have to,- if you don't you'll be anti socially or a sad looser- so it became movies s i wanted to watch food i wanted to eat, no comments ,no dissenters, no justification needed. on new year we had dinner with Vincent and honorine and very unobtrusive they were too ,which is just the way i like it when I'm in the oasis mood. out side the oasis, bad mouthing continues ,petty jealousies flourish ,incompetent fools are in charge everywhere, and the news is bad, a selfish British electorate, greedy Icelander's, floods in Australia and dull weather- yet i have to come out again or I'll have become an out of touch recluse ,the longer it goes on the more difficult it today its off to Bristol to a marvellously eccentric ladies exhibition and then off to an Italian restaurant tonight with friends who i can disagree with but who don't sulk now that's a real treat- so ole i click my heels and back out into the world i go

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