Saturday 30 January 2010

paris couture week

once upon a time the front row seat at a show of haute couture fashion was ultimate accolade of status. legenday film stars ,influential writers, fashion editors ,princesses and presidents ladys were there to buy rather than be gawped at. haute couture is art not fashion, there are less than 100 women in the world who can afford to buy. most of these buy by phone or have private displays these days avoiding the front row like the plague .french haut couture exits in world of its own .it takes inteligence to recognise where the aesthetics are leading.what they are stating about the condition of society the status of women etc fashion parodies even leads art movenents or a least compliments them as in the 30.s and 60,s this is a rarified place like an art gallery- so what has happened.once the audience matched the intent. of the shows .now front rows are crowded withh nonentities flashing thir legs wanting to be looked at instead of looking at what is before them.the fashionn houses trail blaze yet the audience that once appreciated this has gone the wags and starlets have taken their place. as fashion follows social tends perhaps even these sacred places will sink beneath the on coming tide of mediocrity

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